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What is the warranty on the new aircon?

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What is the warranty on the new aircon?

Compressor Warranty (5 – 10 years)

  • Compressor is the heart of an air conditioner and is typically the most expensive component to replace. As a result, most manufacturers offer longer warranties on the compressor.
    • Standard Compressor Warranty: Typically between 5 to 10 years.
    • Premium Brands (like Daikin, Mitsubishi, LG, Panasonic): Often offer 7 to 10 years warranty on the compressor.
    • Budget Brands: May provide 5 years or less, depending on the model.

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MRS SM Raselomane

Electronics Warranty (1 – 3 years)

  • Electronics in the air conditioner refer to parts like the control board, remote control, sensors, thermostat, and other electrical components.
    • Standard Electronics Warranty: Usually between 1 to 3 years.
    • Premium Brands: Typically offer 2 to 3 years warranty on electronics.
    • Budget Brands: May offer 1-year warranties on the electronics.

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